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The Dynamic Relationship Between Transman Identity Embodiment and Sexuality

Natalie Coffin, M.A.

Factors Associated with Sexual Satisfaction Among Lesbian Women Throughout the Duration of a Long Term Relationship

Leesa Contorino, M.A.

The study uses Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory to explore domains of women's lives that influence sexual satisfaction which include factors within the dyadic relationship and beyond. Because long term relationships inevitably lead to changes for the individual and the society in which they interact, this study will explore what factors appear to be associated with sexual satisfaction at different periods of time. The factor of time is of interest due to the extant research highlighting the decrease in sexual activity within lesbian relationships over time and thus factors other than frequency of sex are likely contributing to the experience of sexual satisfaction among women in long term partnerships. 

For further information about this study, please contact Leesa Contorino at You can see Leesa's results at

Human Sexuality: Examining Supervisors’ Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes and Their Impact on Graduate Supervisee Clinical Supervision

Leslie Crampton, M.A.


Self Evaluations of Parental Effectiveness for Nonbiological Lesbian Mothers: An Exploratory Study

Jessica Garcia, M.A.


Exploring the Needs of Families in Providing Appropriate Sex Education for Their Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Courtney Hansen


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The Adoption of Lesbian Identity: A Look at the Impact of Adoption Family Status on the Process of Self Identity and Disclosure

Alissa Irwin


Recovery Process: Impact of Culture on Indian Female Sexual Assault Survivors

Ashley Jacobs


Sub-Fems: An Exploration of the Intersectionality of Empowerment Through Submissive Identity, Grounded in Feminist Theory

Kat Jones

The kink community has recently entered into mainstream consciousness and conversation through exploits such as Fifty Shades of Gray, and other media outlets. While this may have sparked a general conversation about alternative sexual practices, it remains a controversial topic. In a modern day world where sexual liberation and empowerment are the main driving forces, it can be difficult to grasp how and why females of a modern society would engage in willingly relinquishing power within the kink play scene. The purpose of this study therefore is to explore and understand the dynamic between submission and the felt sense of empowerment. Furthermore, a discussion of implications for clinicians working with individuals within this community will be explored. 


If you would like more information please contact the primary investigator, Kat Jones, MA. at or Dr. Branden Berkey at

Father Knows Best: Exploring How Fathers Approach Sex Education with Their Daughters

Brittany Nelson, M.A.


"How Do I Overcome?" Phenomenological Exploration of Recovery from IPV Among Gay Men

Dempsey Young, M.A


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